It’s no mystery that showing gratitude can be immensely beneficial to your quality of life. Something magical happens within your soul when you begin showing gratitude for even the simplest things in life. Do you keep a gratitude journal? If no, I will show you how such a simple thing can be beneficial for you.
How Gratitude Journal impact you
Showing gratitude doesn’t take away the difficulties and stresses in your life, but choosing to focus on the good can dramatically improve your outlook on life. Having a grateful mindset naturally attracts more positive feelings and experiences into your life, which brings greater happiness.
One of the best ways of showing gratitude is by keeping a daily gratitude journal. The My Life Planner includes a gratitude journal page that provides spaces to record simple things you are grateful for each day.

As you start jotting down the little things in life you are grateful for, you’ll be amazed at how your outlook on life will start changing. This simple daily task can be done in a matter of seconds, and the effects will be nothing but beneficial to your well-being. The wonderful thing about keeping a gratitude journal is that you’ll create an amazing collection of inspiring notes that you’ll be able to look back on in the future to lift your spirits on a bad day.
Top 5 Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal
1. Gratitude increases positivity
Writing down the things in life you are grateful for naturally makes you a more optimistic and positive person. Focusing on the good in your life gives less power to negative emotions and greater power to positivity. Although you might have positive thoughts come to mind throughout the day, writing them down makes them more concrete and long-lasting.
2. Gratitude improves sleep
Spending a few minutes right before you hop into bed writing down the things you are grateful for will quiet your mind and ease the anxieties of the day. A calm and grateful mind will make it easier for you to fall asleep. Gratitude induces the relaxation response and is the best free sleep aid out there.
3. Gratitude improves self-esteem
It’s easy to feel down when you focus on the negative things in your life. We tend to be so hard on ourselves, but keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to stay focused on our achievements. Showing gratitude has been shown to reduce the natural tendencies we have to compare ourselves to others, which can be detrimental to our self-esteem. By showing gratitude, you’ll have less resentment and jealousy towards others and greater feelings of self-worth.
4. Gratitude reduces stress
Scientists have found that focusing on feelings of contentment and satisfaction is a natural way to counteract stress. Although life will still throw you curve balls, the groundedness that comes from having an attitude of gratitude will help you deal with whatever comes your way.
5. Gratitude improves your health
Grateful people live longer, healthier lives because they have the motivation to better care for themselves. Grateful people have fewer aches and pains and are more inclined to eat healthy, exercise, and attend regular checkups with their doctor.
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These are only a few of the many benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. If you haven’t started keeping one, we encourage you to start now!
I have been dealing with stress a lot and I really hope this helps with it.