Free November 2023 wallpaper is here!
I can hardly believe that autumn is already in full swing! Need a little reminder? I’ve got just the thing: a stunning free November wallpaper that captures all the classic autumn hues. Think rich yellows, fiery oranges, deep reds, and cozy beiges. The design is bursting with colorful mushrooms and leaves, making you feel like you’re walking through a warm autumn forest.
Each wallpaper download from November 2023 includes the following:
- Desktop wallpaper x3 (plain, with the calendar, and with a quote)
- Phone wallpaper x3 (plain, with the calendar and with a quote)
- Tablet wallpaper
- Instagram ready quote
Quote for November 2023
I had originally planned to include a quote about the beauty of autumn, but considering how vibrant and lively the wallpaper is, I thought it is a good occasion to feature something more serious instead. This quote is your daily reminder to be more mindful and aware of our own thoughts and perceptions, and to strive for a deeper understanding of the world we live in. It highlights the importance of having an open and curious mind towards different perspectives and ideas, rather than being closed off and blinded by our own beliefs and biases.

The eyes are useless when the mind is blind
P.S the square image is also included as a larger file in the download package below! Feel free to post it on your Instagram.

Looking for more? Check our previous wallpapers!
You can get three different desktop options with the free download – one with a calendar, one without the calendar, and another with a quote. Additionally, there’s a wallpaper available for tablets and three phone options too. You’ll also find an Instagram-ready square that features the weekly quote.
NOTE: This wallpaper is available as a free download through November 30, 2023 only. After that, a $5 download fee applies.
Looking for more?
Browse all wallpapers from this series.
How about a new design?
Since you just got a new wallpaper, consider updating your blog’s appearance with a fresh and modern look too! There are many different blog templates available that can make your page more enjoyable to read and navigate. Take some time to browse through them and see what catches your eye.
Blogger templates
WordPress Themes
Your voice matters!
If you have your favorite quotes and would like them to appear on the next free wallpaper, make sure to post them in the comments below or send us your ideas via email.
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